A proposal for a holistic Green
Empowerment Resource Manual for the Millennium.
by the Owner and Manager of EmpowermentResources.com
Posted on the Internet 12/4/96, revised 5/10/97.
Last modified 11/26/99.
I've already published 2 websites:
1) "EmpowermentResources.com--
Tools for Personal Growth,
Social Change, and Ecology" [at "http://www.EmpowermentResources.com/".] - "Over 700
links and over 420 recommended empowerment resource books for sale (most discounted 20-30%) plus over 3
million books, 400,000 CDs, 100,000 movies, 65,000 audio books, and over
850 magazines to choose from. Many of these these
items are sold at a discount. A Green guide to Empowerment Resources on the
Internet. Knowledge is power. Empower the people."
2) "EmpowermentBooks.com" [at "http://www.EmpowermentBooks.com/".] -
"Over 420 recommended empowerment resource books for sale (most discounted
20-30%) and over 80 links on over 24 topics
related to personal growth, social change and ecology. Plus over 3 million books,
400,000 CDs, 100,000 movies, 65,000 audio books, and over
850 magazines to choose from. Many of these these
items are sold at a discount. Knowledge is power. Empower the people."
I also wrote a detailed undergraduate thesis on Empowerment:
Personal Growth and Social Change in 1986 (and I currently have most of it stored
electronically in MS-Word for Windows '95 format).
I've also been a radical for 20 years, and I've accumulated a lot of
experience, knowledge and wisdom (and some victories and losses) during that time.
Now, based upon my websites, thesis, knowledge, experience, library,
and idealism, I propose to write one of the best resource manuals on personal growth,
social change, and ecology written from a 1960's or Green perspective available in
America. Through a philosophy that advocates personal, cultural, and political
empowerment, as well as building an ecologically sustainable society, I plan to combine
the best info from the personal growth and self-help movements, voluntary simplicity,
holistic health, natural living, vegetarianism, alternative medicine, the counterculture,
the co-operative and communal movements, the Green movement, the left, eco-feminism, other
topics covered in my websites, and a focus on building a peaceful, humane, co-operative
ecologically sustainable society into one overall strategy, vision, and resource manual
for empowerment. In this book I plan to include:
This book would complement and be complemented by my
EmpowermentResources.com websites, which, as they becomes better publicized, will enable me
to more easily network and gather information while I completely rewrite my unpublished
college thesis, which is an earlier empowerment manual that I wrote in 1986.
While my goal is to produce a book that anyone can find interesting,
fun, visually appealing, and educational, my target audience is that portion of the
population that strongly identifies with 1960's or Green values. The Emerging
Culture by Paul Ray explains that there are 44
million Americans with Green values (24% of the American adult population).
I want the book to be immediately published in paperback format (or
hardback if the book is large enough to warrant it) at an affordable price. The
Green movement has much to offer the American people, and I want to provide them with a
good-quality affordable holistic Green empowerment resource manual to complement my
After extensive self-reflection, I have decided that the key to social
change is to empower people to transform their own lives and collectively transform
society. That's why I wrote my thesis on Empowerment: Personal Growth and Social
Change, that's why I started by own business, Empowerment Resources, and that's why I
created my 2 websites, EmpowermentResources.com and
EmpowermentBooks.com, and that's why I am interested in publishing a holistic
Green empowerment resource manual on Empowerment: Personal Growth, Social Change, and
Ecology soon. (I also have to admit that, after losing money so far on my
website, I'm looking forward to earning money publishing a book.)
I can provide additional information to book publishers and/or
foundations or individuals in a position to help finance this effort.
I also appreciate suggestions, encouragement, and/or endorsements from
others who have reviewed this book proposal.
Empowerment Resources can be contacted at:
Empowerment Resources
P.O. Box 3190
Silver Spring, MD 20918
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